INDEPENDENCE DAY POEM (1857-1947 Everything in a Poem) Hindi

सरफरोशी की तमन्ना अब हमारे दिल में है,  देखना है ज़ोर कितना बाजुए कातिल में है।   बस गए बहरूपियो में, जकड़ गए लोहे की बेड़ियों मे। दब गए विदेशियो में, लकड़ गए बंधे बंधे कैदियों से।  रह गए सीमाओं में, बंद दरवाज़े खिड़कियां जैसे नदी के ठहराव में।  कुछ करने की लालसा थी देशवासियों में, ठाना तो था पैरों से चलकर जलती चिंगारियो में।  पर कोड़े पीठ पीछे, मार मार ढाली मजदूरियों से।  ईट महलों विदेशियों के, भरते थे नोटों की महफिलों से।  अपने आंगन में अपने भूखे और विदेशी पेट भरे सोते थे महलों में।  ऐसी लकीरें थी हाथों में हमारे अंग्रेजों के शासन में। इन आहसासों को हमे नहीं भूलना चाहिए, इस प्रताड़िता को, इस भेद भावनाओं को, हमें इस तरह मारना, मजदूरी कराना, मना करने पर सूली पर चढ़ा देना, जिंदा लाश बना देना, यह सब बर्दाश्त करना लिखा था हमारी भी किस्मत में। पर हुआ कुछ अलग, सुनिए  गुलामी की दसख्ते खटकी हर घर दरवाजे पर।  कुछ शिकार हुए कुछ शहीद हुए, इस जंजीरों की लगामो से।  पर सैनिकों के विद्रोह से, मेरठ में क्रोध से।  उठा एक संग्राम, 1857 का पहला स...

What does self improvement mean? Ways to improve yourself.

Intending to improve and make you better, the topic of today is Self-improvement.

 Self-improvement means to improve your mistakes by changing yourself. It is a pretty process of improving your status, your knowledge, your character, and your personality by your effort. Learning new things, sitting every night thinking about what mistakes you made in the whole day and how to rectify it, searching your strength, developing yourself from within, and making yourself a better and more knowledgeable person is called Self-improvement.
 It all comes from self-confidence, building your personality, self-appreciation, and self-esteem. And results in inner stability, personality development, and Success. 
 There is a purpose of everything happens in the world. Sometimes, one leads to another incident. It is said that whatever happens, happens for good.
 Instead of trapping yourself in your cage of fear, locking yourself up in a room where you are continuously drowning in the dark, and crying over past heartaches and failures, you should treat them as your teacher, and they will automatically become your tools in self-improvement. If your mind is tossing around on the ocean of failure and you are flowing with the heavy wind, you should constantly be tossing blades of grass into the air to find out which way the wind was blowing. You can not come back on your track until you accept your wrong turn.

 Remember, self-improvement leads you to the shine of success. If you are mentally suffering in melancholy and negative attempts, you will spend your months of stay lying on the bed of dismay. If anyone feels so low about themselves, help them boost up. Never go down with them. You will continue to raise your superiority.
 If you can see the light in the dark and still have the power to see dreams after all the failures and pains you have gone through, it indicates you have a positive will that promotes your self-improvement. Stop considering yourself as a failure. How can others accept you if you can't accept yourself? Come on inner improvement, not the great abs, self-crying, and self-pitying.
You can't improve yourself overnight. It takes a long period to maintain yourself but no worries because when the student is ready, the teacher will automatically appear. 
The world is a long class for lessons, not mistakes. We are all here to learn our lessons. 

" Want to be unique,
  And to fulfill your dreams.
  Also to reach your goal,
  That is inside your soul.
  And break the chain that you know,
  Then feel your wings and spirit grow.
  Work on your toxic behavior,
  Heal the world as well as you, dear.
  It's hard, always in positive emotions I know
  But doing it, you're making a fire in the snow. "

So, open doors for self-improvement and head you in the path of success.

                                                                                                                 -RUPANGI DWIVEDI


  1. Thank you so much for articulating your thougths in your each article so well !!!
    Loved your work. Its really helpful and quite unique from what others are posting.....👍👍👏👏


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